Facial trauma, as in when the bones of the face or jaw are broken, is extremely serious. Face, jaw and dental injury occur most commonly around sports, but can also happen in automobile accidents, simple falls or workplace mishaps. These fractures can include:
While oral and maxillofacial surgeons can treat these fractures, the best treatment is prevention. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS): The principles for treating facial fractures are the same as for a broken arm or leg. The parts of the bone must be lined up (reduced) and held in position long enough to permit them time to heal. This may require six or more weeks depending on the patient's age and the fracture's complexity....Because avoiding injury is always best, oral and maxillofacial surgeons advocate the use of automobile seat belts, protective mouth guards, and appropriate masks and helmets for everyone who participates in athletic pursuits at any level. You don't have to play at the professional level to sustain a serious head injury. New innovations in helmet and mouth and face guard technology have made these devices comfortable to wear and very effective in protecting the vulnerable maxillofacial area. Make sure your family is well-protected. A more complete list of safety equipment can be found here.
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If you're looking for professional, current and high quality oral and maxillofacial surgery, contact Dr. Daniel Muff and his staff at Reno Oral Surgery today!
609 Sierra Rose Drive,
Suite 1 Reno, NV 89511 p: (775) 825-4777 f: (775) 825-4761